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HomeVisor connects realtors with buyers and sellers nationwide

Searching for the right realtor can sometimes feel like dating--everyone is hunting for that special someone who's trustworthy, friendly, and compatible. Where are the sites that give you a strong realtor match the way dating sites pair you up with romantic candidates?
HomeVisor comes awfully close. Started by real estate agent Brett Doshan, the service aims to bring buyers and sellers together with realtors who understand their needs.
Doshan says, "A first-time, 22 year-old buyer usually wants a younger agent, whereas a retiree likes to work with someone their own age. That's just one example of preferences that people have. Buying and selling real estate is a big part of someone's life, so they want to make sure they feel comfortable with the agent."
In order to find just the right agent for each client, Doshan and his team spend hours on the phone, talking with agents around the country to get a sense of personality types, reputations, experience, and other factors that go into a recommendation.
There are some competitors that try to do a similar match-up, but Doshan says that they usually have a pool of agents that pay to be part of the service. When a buyer goes to one of their sites, they simply put in his or her zip code, and get a list of agents. "The focus of those sites is to get agents to sign up, to expand their databases," he notes. "Our focus is on buyers and sellers, to find out what they really need."
Doshan's comprehensive matchmaking skills have allowed HomeVisor to go national, within only a few years since it started. The company employs five people, and the founder expects strong growth for the future. "We just want to constantly get better at our service."
Source: Brett Doshan, HomeVisor
Writer: Elizabeth Millard
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