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Selby Avenue 2012: A Slide Show

Saint Paul's Selby Avenue is the home of some celebrated and beloved local institutions--W.A. Frost, Nina's Coffee Cafe, the New Louisiana Cafe, the (former) location of Garrison Keillor's Common Good Books, and--icon of icons--the Cathedral of Saint Paul. But for this issue, lensman Bill Kelley took portraits of the less-well-known Selby Avenue: places that may be a bit below your radar unless you know the street well, plus some cool new businesses that have popped up in recent months. It's our effort to show how one of the Saintly City's most attractive, even genteel, streets is also one of its most dynamic and diverse.

Northwest Architectural Salvage, 981 Selby—lamps galore
Lee's and Dee's Barbeque, 161 Victoria Street N.—great catfish too
Golden Thyme Coffee Café, 921 Selby—African-American culture and coffee
Black Blue, 614 Selby—"legacy" brands of men's clothes
Mango Thai, 610 Selby—design-consciousness and tom yum
Primp, 618 Selby—"cheap-chic boutique"
Cheeky Monkey, 525 Selby—American bistro fare
Omnium Bike Shop, 520 Selby—friendly bike geeks
Bon Vie, 518 Selby—breakfast and lunch, owner-chef style
Allee Metro Chic and Assez Bon Furntiure, 493 Selby—new arrival from Selby and Snelling
Saint Paul Curling Club, 470 Selby—broomball lives!
Paper Patisserie, 366 Selby—elegant cards and other paper products
College of Visual Arts Gallery, 173 Western Avenue N.—check out the windows, with words spelled in twigs

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