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Celebrating the Cities' other ballpark: A slide show

Yes, Midway Stadium, home of the Saint Paul Saints, is subsiding. Groundskeepers have to build up the outfield a little bit each year.

But why wouldn't the ballpark be going rogue? After all, even by the fun-loving standards of minor-league ball, Saints games are eccentric affairs. A pig delivers the game ball, "ushertainers" like The Nerd, Mister Vegas, and Danger Kid contribute character comedy, and theme nights (Zombie Night here) produce surrealism and slapstick.

If the club, and its legendary owner (now part-owner) Mike Veeck, get their wish, there'll be a new $50 million ballpark next to the Farmers' Market in Lowertown someday. In fact, $20 million of state money for the stadium was in the bonding bill that Governor Mark Dayton introduced in February, and may re-introduce soon in special session after Minnesota's 13th-hour budget deal.

Republican opposition is strong, however--so while we and Veeck wait, let's enjoy these images by Bill Kelley of our own home-grown m�lange of baseball and performance art.
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