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Arts and Culture

It's actually kind of fun to amaze coastal dwellers who hold to the myth of Flyover Country with the richness and variety of the arts in this chilly metropolis between the prairie and the woods. Our artistic scene, which some call an "ecosystem," is, in fact, more diverse than most. While many regional cities claim big institutions--ballet companies, major museums, theaters for Broadway touring shows--and many have small galleries, tiny black-box theaters, and grass-roots arts organizations--our towns have art on these levels plus a third, intermediate level: the big but not overgrown arts organization, often dedicated to helping artists develop their careers as well as make their art. Combine this with an envied tradition of corporate and foundation arts funding, and you see why many artists fly into, not over, metro Minnesota.

Arts and Culture Features

"Written in Water"

January Arts and Culture: Feet on the Ground, Eyes Toward the Sky

We begin a new year with our feet on the ground, quite literally, with must-see dance performances, as well as talks by local authors on local history, and the unparalleled stargazing offered by the winter sky.

An "Art Block" project

Pillsbury House Theatre Breaks the Ice and Serves the Community

At the heart of Pillsbury House Theatre's work is commitment to its community; to foster connections and strengthen the relationships between neighbors and engage them directly in a multitude of meaningful ways.

The Wagners Decorate for the Holidays

Artists and Their Families Thrive Amid Community and Creativity in Artspace Housing

For families living in Artspace affordable artist live/work housing, to reside in a safe, secure building where they can create and are considered normal is not only nice, it’s necessary. It's also "a little place of heaven."

Lion in Winter

December Arts & Culture: Last-minute maker markets and holiday antidotes

To rephrase a popular aphorism, it's all stars and snowflakes until someone gets hurt...meaning, amid last-minute maker markets and star gazing this holiday month there's a "House of Cards" style production at the Guthrie to clear the senses and a concert to ground our sensibilities.

Blayze Buseth

Microloans Help Artists Build Sustainable Careers

Microloans help artists bridge the gaps between other sources of funding. Springboard for the Arts is currently testing a microloan model and has partnered with Kiva, a microlending platform that funds small businesses around the world.  
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