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Minneapolis #1 in city parks

Mills Ruins Park, courtesy National Park Service

According to a study just released by The Trust for Public Land, Minneapolis ranks first among the U.S.'s 60 largest cities in number and quality of city parks. The ParkScore Index placed Minneapolis far ahead of New York City, Boston, Portland and San Francisco.

The ParkScore numbers are based on three factors, according to an AP article: the percentage of residents living within a 10-minute walk from a park, median park size and the percentage of total city area dedicated to parks, and a combination of the number of playgrounds per 10,000 residents and per-capita park spending.

"The Trust says 94 percent of Minneapolis residents live within a 10-minute walk from a park, and it scores the city high for its park spending and its median park size of 6 ½ acres," according to the AP article.
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